Twenty three members enjoyed an interesting outing to Thirlestane Castle in Lauder on Tuesday 28th June 2022. Two guides escorted…Continue reading2022 Members Outing to Thirlestane Castle
Category: Previous Talks and Outings
The following showcases the range of talks that members have enjoyed over the half decade or so. Also, you can view here brief reports of previous members outings that are held, generally, each year.
The Peebles Hoard
The final talk in our 2021/22 season was given by Emily Freeman, manager of the Treasure Trove Unit in Scotland.…Continue readingThe Peebles Hoard
Lost Haddington
Lifetime Haddington resident John Hamilton has taken on the mantle of past collectors of photographs of Haddington such as George…Continue readingLost Haddington
In a very entertaining talk David Connolly led us through some of the complexities of the construction and history of…Continue readingStories from Garleton: A Castle’s Tale
Andrew Kerr treated us to a detailed and fascinating talk covering the range of naval actions in WW1 – those…Continue readingThe Grand Fleet in the Forth – The Royal Navy in World War 1
Opened in the 1940s/50s on the site of the original County Cinema, HAddington (o. 1930s by Scott’s Empires (Paulo & Scott). Destroyed by fire, early 40s)Continue readingOf Popcorn and Picture Houses: A History of Haddington Cinemas
On Thursday 9th September the first talk of the 2021/2022 season, which was part of East Lothian’s Archaeology Fortnight, was…Continue readingThe Whitadder Project – Investigating archaeology in the Lammermuirs
April 15th 2021 Professor Sir Geoff Palmer gave a thought provoking talk about “Scottish Caribbean Historical Connections” He explained that…Continue readingScottish Caribbean Historical Connections
Fran Woodrow, one of East Lothian Council’s archivists, described the life of the 1st Marquess of Dalhousie using letters and…Continue readingThe life of the 1st Marquess of Dalhousie
Jenni Morrison, an Associate of Addyman Archaeology, described the work being undertaken in Dunbar to renovated old disused buildings starting…Continue readingBringing Buildings Back to life – community archaeology at Black Bull Close, Dunbar
East Lothian Archaeologist Stephanie Leith presented the findings of recent work at St Martin’s Church, Haddington in “New light on…Continue readingSt Martin’s Kirk: New Light on an Old Ruin
Local storyteller, Tim Porteous kicked off our season of zoom talks on 3rd December. His topic “Is it true? -‘historical…Continue readingIs it true? -‘historical truth’ and the role of oral tradition