Here is an extra poser this month. Who was this person and what was he driving? As a clue, he…Continue readingWho was this person and what was he driving?
Category: Did You Know?
The following are some interesting snippets of historical places, people and facts that can be found in and around Haddington.
Also, each month we will post here a question for you to ponder over, with a link to the Facebook page to Old Haddingtonshire where you can see other readers’ comments. We will give you the answer the following month.
August Question What’s the significance of this circle of cobbles in the roadway outside J.S. Main in Haddington High Street?…Continue readingWhat is the signifance of this circle of cobbles?
April Question Calder’s Lawn: Who was Calder and why was it named after his/her garden! Maybe the road went through…Continue readingHow did this Haddington street get this rather odd name?
March Question In one of her many letters, she wrote of Haddington: “ Here is no life, no variety. It…Continue readingWho is she and where in Haddington did she live?
February Question The trace of one of a line of cottages can be seen in this Haddington garden wall. Where…Continue readingWhere can you find this line of former cottages?
Test your knowledge of country houses and castles to be found around East Lothian. This quiz formed part of the…Continue readingHaddington’s History Society Quiz No.2
The postcard shows Abbey Mill pre-WW2 when its wheel was still in position. The interior fittings, and presumably the wheel,…Continue readingWhat does this postcard show and how has this changed today?
Samuel Smiles He was prolific Haddington author who advised his readers that they could save 45/- (shillings) a year by…Continue readingWho was the local author in our Christmas Challenge?
This stone was once fixed to the gable of a Haddington building (not its original site). Which building was it…Continue readingOn what building was this stone found?
Have you ever wondered whose statue stands at this junction and what was he revered for? This is the statue…Continue readingWhose monument stands in Memorial Park opposite the West Church in Haddington?
Where was this Business?
From this old bill head can you locate where this shop was in Haddington? See some comments on our Facebook…Continue readingWhere was this Business?
Bill Fife, a member of Haddington’s History Society, has compiled a list of words in the local dialect that were…Continue readingA Dictionary of Haddington’s Other Language