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Where in Haddington is this? 

Here’s our February 2025 poser. We’ll post it as usual on our own HHS Facebook page and also Old Haddingtonshire FB page


Where in Haddington is this? 

What is it and how might it do you good?


This is the site of Dobson’s/Dobie’s/Dobbie’s well once fed by a spring.  The date 1877 is when the well was renovated by a Mr Wm. Briggs. It appears on Forrest’s map of 1802 but is likely to be much earlier. Martine records a wounded soldier at the battle of Corunna (1809) calling out for a drink of Dobie’s well.  Briggs’ renovation included an iron pipe to lead the spring to about 3 feet above the ground and through a lion’s head with a metal cup on a chain attached.  A rail was placed around the well and the surrounding area planted with shrubs  (Courier, 20/07/1877).

The spring water was described as chalybeate – containing iron and other minerals.  This was thought to be health-giving.  The chalybeate waters at the fashionable spa resort of Turnbridge Wells were described as:

These waters youth in age renew
Strength to the weak and sickly add
Give the pale cheek a rosy hue
And cheerful spirits to the sad.
