Volunteers from the Society joined forces with the Edinburgh Archaeology Field Society to undertake a geophysical survey around the remains of a substantial medieval building at Papple Steading, near Garvald.

The walls only survive where they have been incorporated into a much more recent water supply, and although the building is often referred to as a convent on old maps, there seems little real evidence for this. A fortified house or tower currently seems more likely so we have a genuine mystery here. The work is ongoing but the preliminary reports offer some scope for interpretation . We’ll make the completed report available as soon as it hits the press.

Thanks to Ian Hawkins of The Edinburgh Archaeology Field Society for overseeing the geophysics, Neil Simpson for taking charge of the site survey and to Papple Steading for their kind welcome and access to the site.
And don’t forget to book now for the tour of the historic steading on Sept 8th – ‘The history of Papple from the 14th Century‘
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